Category: Yoga Blog
Tips From The Trainer/Power Yoga
Meditation takes a backseat to pure strength in power yoga sessions, says Annie Okerlin, owner of Tampa’s Yogani studio. Power yoga is a vigorous high-energy workout that also incorporates yoga’s breath-centered approach. “It’s harnessing your inner power with your breath,” she says. Okerlin, a certified Bikram yoga method instructor, teaches people of all ages and […]
Is this yoga for you?
MANILA, Philippines—The poetry in movement—that which connects the body, mind and spirit—breathes life back into the busy modern age as ancient scripts find its way into the hearts of yoga practitioners.
Learning to let go is good spiritual exercise
I went to yoga this week. I’m a newbie at yoga and not particularly bendable, so I felt like a pretzel stick that somehow landed in a bag of twisted ones.
Just Breathe
Today I will be attending Jason Mueller’s wake. A friend I meet guy during my freshman year of college. We were a group of four. Jason, Angel, Chris, and I. We tried to get into parties, walked around campus, laughed ourselves silly…. Attended foam parties (ha ha…). Always having a good time. Jason ALWAYS had […]
A Message
By Shyam Mehta A Message to All Sincere Yoga Students. The objective of yoga practice is to wake up each morning and want with all your heart for the following thoughts to arise first thing: ” Lord, may You always be happy May whatever you wish always come true Please let me always be there, […]
Yoga quotes and sayings
Finding Balance On and Off the Yoga Mat
This is an article about one of my yoga instructors. I relate to it because I am realizing that yoga is so much more than asana’s.. Its a wonderful journey! Elka’s story Yoga is an ancient practice that creates a sense of unity between the mind, body and spirit. It brings balance that we can […]
Difference between east and west
When it comes to healing here are some differences: East– Focus on the emptiness, feel dissatisfaction and imperfection, go deeper into the painful places. West– Heal and feill the emptiness, develop character, strengthen the ego… What do you think?
Yoga and Mental Health
Yoga is a four-thousand-year-old psychology developed in India. It is the oldest system of personal development in the world. Yoga is an effective, natural remedy for mental health issues. Through a combination of simple breathing techniques, postures, movements and deep relaxation, you can help your patients become calmer and more centered. Basic mindfulness helps cultivate […]
One little word…
How is it that one little word can produce so much anxiety, excitement, joy, sadness, peace, and hatred. For the past few weeks, I have been thinking of this word, more specifically this one sentence, roughly 75% of the time. It plays out in my head over and over and I almost feel like I […]